You can make a difference

Help us educate Immigrants & Refugees on how to achieve self-sustainability by utilizing natural resources no matter where they are settled

Permaculture Design Courses in Lesvos island, Greece

Regenerative landscape design

Settlement, camps and farmlands

Food and water 



Waste water treatment and use

Organic vegetable farming

Food forest design and implementation

Compost making


Regenerative projects run by the students, both on the island and abroad.

Established local and foreign teacher network


The courses are taught in French, English, Arabic, Farsi and Greek  

Our Support Perks


Vegan Breakfast Kits

Cultivated by locals and refugees in the “Big Garden of Friends” in Lesvos Island, an 100% natural selection of breakfast treats, in a convenient travel-ready art box. 


Lesvo's Rare Herbs Kit

Wild and mild herbs grown under the unique climate and ground of the very same island that fathered Botanology. 


A Legendary Hosting Experience

Get hosted in our remote retreats throughout the island and enjoy activities in our farms and beyond.  Live among us in a those who


Support Our Cause

These courses are hosted by Sporos Regeneration Institute, an independent Lesvos-based non-profit organisation and taught by an array of international permaculture teachers and professionals for the greatest course quality possible. 

Every contribution to help us achieve the greatest impact possible for the island and the refugees will be greatly appreciated.

Become a Volunteer

Get on board

Copyright 2019 @ Sporos Regenaration Institute
Milies Village, Lesvos, Greece
Contact: +30 698 108 0900

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