sporos regeneration institute

Permaculture & Vocational Training

–Due to current COVID19-related restrictions no Courses are currently being taught– 

We provide permaculture education in the forms of certified Permaculture Design Courses, other courses shorter in duration and live-in internships.

Our courses take place all year round at our educational farm, our neighbouring orchards and at nearby forests and mountains. Some of our courses are directed to adults and some to children. Some to locals, some to internationals, some to refugees and some to all thus promoting integration, social acceptance and unity. 

All our educational methods aim to provide our students with skills and knowledge necessary in their interactions with both nature and all earthlings.

 We abide by the permaculture ethics and the design principles, yet we are flexible enough to incorporate other techniques and knowledge proven by experience to be of relevance and help. 

We teach about soil, water, wind and fire. We teach our students about climate, geology, map reading, geography and so much more. 

We also teach homesteading, foraging, animal husbandry, bushcraft, natural building techniques, organic farming and agroforestry. We are also always open to host visiting teachers and themes of proven quality and relevance. 

We happily share all our knowledge on system design methods, starting with standard agricultural ecosystem designs. We particularly encourage our students to broaden their perspectives and use these methods to design efficient models of education, business, emerging technologies, politics and economics, supporting them throughout the process. This support can be in the form of consultations, networking and also material, particularly for our less privileged students. 

Copyright 2021 @ Sporos Regenaration Institute
Milies Village, Lesvos, Greece
Contact: +30 698 108 0900

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